The Robot Masters are unlocked by defeating them with the Mega Buster. The player can play as all eight Robot Masters from the game, as well as Mega Man (plus three alternate forms), Roll (downloadable), and Proto Man (unlockable and downloadable), bringing a total of eleven playable characters.Easy mode also makes certain platforming sections easier by adding extra blocks. The setting changes the player's health and damage, the number of checkpoints, and enemy patterns. The difficulty options are Easy, Normal, and Hard.Additionally, the music remixes from the New Style are actually the lower pitches of the original music.Old Style is nearly identical to the original Mega Man, and Time Man and Oil Man are not available to fight against. New Style lets the player play as all of the eight Robot Masters, features difficulty choices and level design changes (in order to utilize the PlayStation Portable's wide-screen display) as well as music remixes.